AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: The Middle Colonies (Day 23/309)
Jul 28, 2023
Welcome to day 23 of APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Today I will be explaining the main characteristics of the Middle Colonies.
Middle Atlantic States Wikimedia Commons
The Middle Colonies included the present-day states of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. This region experiences warm summers and cold winters with access to abundant natural resources and good harbors.
Nicholas Garrison, A View of Bethlehem, one of the Brethren’s Principal Settlements, in Pennsylvania, North America, 1757. National Gallery of Art
Due to these conditions, the Middle Colonies developed a strong economy that included commercial agriculture of cereal crops. They were known as the “Breadbasket colonies.”
Port of Philadelphia, 1752 Hidden City
Additionally, the large harbors fueled the growth of urban areas, like New York City and Philadelphia, that became centers of both intercolonial and transatlantic commerce.
The Middle Colonies, Population Diversity 1750 Robert V. Wells
Areas of this region had previously been colonized by the Dutch and Swedish. Once taken over by the English, the Middle colonies continued to be diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious societies with greater tolerance.
The Middle Colonies should be most remembered for their thriving economy based on commerce and commercial agriculture and comparatively diverse and tolerant societies.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Southern colonies in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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