AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: French & Dutch Colonization (Day 17/309)
Jul 22, 2023
Welcome to day 17 of APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Today I will be beginning APUSH Period 2 with the Dutch & French colonization.
New France in 1645 Edmaps.com
Seeing the wealth obtained by the Spanish in the Americas, the French and Dutch quickly followed in their own efforts to explore and colonize the Americas.
Francis Back – French-Canadian Traders at a Native-American Village
French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan
The French established a large geographical empire called New France, but primarily focused on present-day Canada. They sent relatively few settlers and focused primarily on fur-trading. This fueled a dependence upon cooperation with Indigenous peoples and French settlers often intermarried and formed alliances with American Indians.
New Amsterdam, about 1630 SLO Classical Academy
The Dutch founded a relatively small colony known as New Netherland in the present-day areas of New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. Highly focused on economic growth, their settlement drew a diverse population which fueled an attitude of tolerance. Similar to the French, the Dutch built economic and diplomatic relationships with American Indians.
The French and Dutch maintained smaller colonies than the Spanish and generally had more cooperative interactions with American Indians.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the founding of Jamestown in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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