AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Issues with Britain (Day 65/309)
Sep 08, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of Issues with Britain in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Map of forts occupied by the British prior to the Jay Treaty, Wikimedia Commons
In the Treaty of Paris (1783) that ended the Revolutionary War, Britain agreed to evacuate from U.S. land claims. However, due to the failure of America to uphold some of their agreements, the British justified maintaining their posts.
The Press Gang, Wikimedia Commons
In 1793, during the conflict between Britain and France, Britain banned all American commercial links with France. Additionally, the British had seized American ships and impressed approximately 400 American merchant sailors.
John Jay, Wikimedia Commons
Attempting to avoid another military conflict, President Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay on a diplomatic mission to Britain. In what was called Jay’s Treaty, Britain agreed to evacuate western posts but did not solve issues of impressment or commercial restrictions.
Jay’s Treaty, Wikimedia Commons
The treaty was extremely unpopular with the American public and fueled internal political disagreements. It did, however, avoid war and maintained Washington’s policy of isolationism and neutrality.
After the Revolutionary War, conflict between the U.S. and Britain continued. A weak and unpopular agreement, known as Jay’s Treaty, temporarily delayed issues and maintained American isolationism.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Issues with Spain in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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