AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Issues with Spain (Day 66/309)
Sep 09, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of Issues with Spain in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
The Articles of Confederation, Wikimedia Commons
After the Revolutionary War, the United States had debts to other nations, including Spain. However, under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not tax or regulate trade.
Results of the Revolution-Treaty of Paris, 1783, Library of Congress
With a lack of ability to raise adequate revenue, the Spanish debts lingered. In response, Spain closed the port of New Orleans and the Mississippi River to U.S. commerce.
Thomas Pinckney, Wikimedia Commons
However, after Jay’s Treaty was negotiated with the British, the Spanish sought a stronger relationship with the United States. In 1795, Thomas Pinckney, the U.S. diplomat, successfully negotiated Pinckney’s Treaty to improve conditions between the nations.
Spanish-American Boundary after Pinckney’s’ Treaty, Wikimedia Commons
In the treaty, Spain agreed to open the Mississippi and port of New Orleans to American trade. Additionally, it solved a territorial dispute at Florida’s northern boundary.
Through successful diplomacy, Pinckney’s Treaty was negotiated with Spain. It resolved disputes over territory and trade without the use of military action.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Issues with American Indians in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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