AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Other Global Cold War Events (Day 264/309)
Mar 29, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about other Global Cold War Events as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Cold War Cartoon
Other proxy wars and conflicts in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa demonstrated the scope of the ideological and geopolitical struggles between the United States and the Soviet Union.
U.S. Involvement in Latin America
In Latin America, the U.S. supported anti-communist regimes. For example, in Nicaragua, the U.S. provided support to the Contras in their insurgency against the Sandinista communist government as part of its broader containment policy.
President Reagan meeting with Afghan Freedom Fighters, Wikimedia Commons
Attempting to curb Soviet expansion into Afghanistan, the U.S. provided covert assistance to Afghan freedom fighters in one of the largest proxy wars of the Cold War. The U.S. also supported authoritarian regimes, including the Shah in Iran, to counter Soviet influence.
White Malice, NPR
In Africa, the Cold War played out through proxy wars, coups, and civil conflicts, such as the Angolan Civil War and the Ethiopian Civil War. The struggle for influence in Africa also led to the emergence of liberation movements and the decolonization of several African nations.
Overall, the expansion of the Cold War into Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa exacerbated existing tensions, destabilized regions, and left a legacy of violence and political turmoil.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Cold War in Cuba in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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