AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Puritans (Day 20/309)
Jul 25, 2023
Welcome to day 20 of APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Today I will be explaining the migration of Puritans to the Americas.
Pilgrim Fathers boarding the Mayflower, painting by Bernard Gribble. Britannica
In 1620, the Pilgrims left England headed for Virginia on the Mayflower. The passengers included a group known as the Puritans. While in Europe, the Puritans experienced persecution as they attempted to reform the Church of England.
The Mayflower Compact 1620 Wikimedia Commons
However, the Mayflower landed further north in present-day Massachusetts where the new colonists founded Plymouth. While still on board, men signed the Mayflower Compact which became the first document to establish self-government in the English colonies.
Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony walk to church in the snow. Britannica
The Puritans created a society based upon strict Christian principles, hard work, and education. Despite migrating for religious refuge, they were intolerant of religious views outside of Puritan beliefs.
The Great Migration Our Unbounded Heritage
During the Puritan Great Migration, over 20,000 Puritans migrated to various Massachusetts settlements from 1630 to 1640.
The Puritan faith had a highly influential role on the development of the region as they sought to create communities centered around strong family ties and religious devotion.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the New England colonies in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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