AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Religious Dissidents & Quakers (Day 22/309)
Jul 27, 2023
Welcome to day 22 of APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Today I will be explaining Religious Dissidents & Quakers.
Mary Dyer Being Led to her Execution in Boston Britannica
Despite Puritans migrating for religious refuge, they were intolerant of views outside of their strict beliefs. People who disagreed with Puritan authorities (known as religious dissidents) were both persecuted in and banished from Puritan communities.
The landing of Roger Williams in 1636 Wikimedia Commons
One prominent religious dissident was Roger Williams. He advocated for the separation of church and state and the fair treatment of American Indians which led to his banishment in 1635. He then founded Rhode Island as a haven of religious freedom.
Anne Hutchinson on Trial Wikimedia Commons
In 1638, Anne Hutchinson was also banished from Massachusetts for holding religious meetings in her home and for questioning Puritan teachings. She resettled in Rhode Island.
Thomas Rowlandson’s Quaker Meeting Wikimedia Commons
Quakers experienced fines, imprisonment, and even execution (as in the case of Mary Dyer) due to their beliefs in pacifism, equality, and religious tolerance. Many fled to Rhode Island but later were instrumental in the founding of Pennsylvania.
Religious dissidents faced many challenges in Puritan New England, but their resolve and actions helped to shape ideas of religious freedom and tolerance in the future United States.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Middle colonies in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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