AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: The Antiwar Movement (Day 262/309)
Mar 28, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about the Antiwar Movement as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Vietnam War Protester Offering Flower to Police, Wikimedia Commons
The Vietnam War sparked significant and fervent anti-war demonstrations, which multiplied as the conflict intensified and occasionally resulted in violence.
Photo from Wikimedia Commons, With quote created by apushladyboss
Protests against the draft and racial discrimination within the military fueled discontent and mobilized opposition to the war. Additionally many civil rights activists, including MLK and Muhammad Ali, protested the war on moral and religious grounds.
Monument of the My Lai Massacre, Wikimedia Commons
The revelation of atrocities like the My Lai Massacre. in which American troops indiscriminately assaulted and murdered hundreds of Vietnamese civilians, further galvanized public outrage and moral opposition to the war.
Time Magazine Pentagon Papers Cover, Wikimedia Commons
Additionally, the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a classified government study, exposed government deceit about the nature and scope of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. When leaked to the press, public trust in the government eroded and anti-war sentiment intensified.
Anti-war Protesters, Wikimedia Commons
Anti-war protesters used a variety of methods including marches, sit-ins, draft resistance, political lobbying, and the arts such as songs, films, literature, and artwork.
Ultimately, the efforts of the antiwar movement helped shape public opinion and influence U.S. policy decisions, contributing to the gradual withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam and the eventual end of the war.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the End of the Vietnam War in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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