AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: The First Political Parties- Federalists (Day 70/309)
Sep 13, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of the First Political Parties- Federalists in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Federalists vs. Republicans, Wikimedia Commons
When Washington was first elected in 1789, there were no political parties. However, two differing factions quickly emerged over issues of federal and state power, economic policy, foreign policy, and the balance between liberty and order.
Federalists vs. Republicans, Wikimedia Commons
The Federalist Party, primarily led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, was supported by merchants, wealthy, educated, business owners, large landowners and was more characteristic of urban areas.
Federalists vs. Republicans, Wikimedia Commons
Federalists favored a strong federal government with power held by the rich and elite. They believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution and implied powers.
Federalists vs. Republicans, Wikimedia Commons
Domestically, Federalists supported Hamilton’s Financial Plan, desired the development of a large peacetime army and navy, and wanted federal aid to business. In foreign affairs, Federalists often supported the British and sought to improve economic and diplomatic relationships with them.
In the nation’s first political parties, Federalists were characterized by support for a strong national government, the growth of industry and manufacturing, Hamilton’s Financial Plan, and strengthening the relationship with Britain.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the First Political Parties- Democratic Republicans in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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