AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: The Pueblo Revolt (Day 15/309)
Jul 20, 2023
Welcome to day 15 of APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Today I will be explaining the Pueblo Revolt.
Conquistadors' abuses of Amerindians (1598 edition for las Casas' book) Wikimedia Commons
As Europeans encroached on Indigenous lands, enslaved the people, and forced religious conversions, American Indians sought to maintain their sovereignty and protect their cultural heritage through military resistance.
The Pueblo Revolt Native American Netroots
The most notable rebellion in the Spanish Empire was the Pueblo Revolt in 1680. The Pueblo people and their allies launched a coordinated series of attacks against the Spanish.
“The First American Revolution” Hopi-Tewa Community Movement
Spanish missions and buildings were destroyed. Around 400 Spaniards were killed and 1500 colonists were forced out of the region. Through the successful expulsion of Spanish, the Pueblo were able to reclaim their land, culture and traditions.
Ancestral Puebloan Territory Wikimedia Commons
Although the Spanish did reestablish control around 14 years later, their policies were more lenient which allowed the Pueblo people to maintain greater autonomy.
While there are many other examples of rebellions and resistance to Spanish colonization, the Pueblo Revolt demonstrates a successful effort by American Indians to maintain their sovereignty.
Join me tomorrow as I explain debates over the treatment of American Indians in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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