AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Washington's Farewell Address (Day 72/309)
Sep 15, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of Washington’s Farewell Address in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
George Washington, The White House Historical Association
After two presidential terms, George Washington had worked to establish a new federal government under the Constitution and improve pressing domestic concerns and international affairs.
The President’s House in Philadelphia, Wikimedia Commons
While it appeared likely that he could have been easily elected to a third term, he refused to seek the office. There were no presidential term limits until the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951. However, he believed that limiting terms were a safeguard against tyranny.
Washington’s Farewell Address, Wikimedia Commons
Upon his retirement, he issued a letter that became known as his Farewell Address. In it, he emphasized the importance of patriotism and political unity by warning against the formation of political parties and sectionalism.
Mount Vernon with the Washington Family on the Terrace, 1796, Wikimedia Commons
He also addressed foreign policy by encouraging Americans to stay out of European affairs and avoid permanent alliances. His policy of isolationism would remain the predominant foreign policy of the United States for the next century.
As Washington retired from public service, he issued a Farewell Address in which he advised Americans to prioritize national unity and avoid permanent foreign alliances.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Election of 1796 in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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